Monday, 25 May 2020

Claudio Mutti, Interview with Aurel Cioran

Interview conducted 3 August 1995, Sibiu. Note that Emil Cioran had died on 20 June that year. Italian original, Origini 13 (February 1996). This translation made from the French version in Nouvelles de Synergies Européennes 22 (August–September 1996). Cioran offers interesting reflections on his brother’s relationship with religion, youth, and involvements with Nae Ionescu and the Legionary movement.

French version:

PDF of this translation:

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Carlos Caballero, “Mystics and Conquerors: Cioran and the History of Spain” (1988)

Provisional translation of “Mystiques et Conquérants: Cioran et l’histoire d’Espagne,” Punto y Coma 10 (1988). The present translation was made from Nicole Bruhwiler’s French version in Orientations 13 (1991) as it appears at Quotations from Cioran are my own translations, and will therefore differ from Richard Howard’s authoritative versions. I have not located every quotation, and have left Caballero’s citations untouched.

PDF of this version:
