
These are drafts, not finished products. Everything has been done about as well as I can do it at time of publication; but I’m learning on the job.

Besides these, there are some other, smaller pieces under the “translation” tag, along with some posts touching on the translation of particular terms.


“Julius Evola and Italian Philosophy, 1925–49: Three Biographical and Bibliographical Essays” (Comprising essays by Gianfranco de Turris, Stefano Arcella, and Alessandro Barbera)

Guillaume Faye

Remy de Gourmont

(See also “A Taste for Imperfection,” Azure Bell [11 September 2020], and “Steps upon the Sand,” Azure Bell [20 October 2020].)

“Marble and Flesh” (1893/1911)

“Nietzsche and the Affair” (1899/1904)

Charles Maurras

Armin Mohler

Antoine de Rivarol

Han Ryner

Dominique Venner

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